What Keeps You Up At Night?

Social Security, Taxes, Health Care, Market Risk, How Long Your Money Will Really Last, or Maybe Just Unsure When You Can Actually Retire?

All of these are concerns for us as we make that big step towards the retirement we have hoped and planned for. Let Me Help You Gain Confidence in Your Strategy!

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Artie has been in the financial services world since 1991. He founded the Retiring Baby Boomer Group, LLC, and co-founded the Retirement Income Advisory Group, LLC.

His mission is to help clients decipher financial "gobbledygook" by translating it into plain English, so they actually do something about their money instead of staring blankly into the void.

Armed with a BS in Soil Science from Ball State University, Artie initially couldn’t find a job in his field. So, he joined his father, a mason contractor, and after a short time, he ran his own company for 11 years. Yes, you heard that right, he went from soil science to laying bricks – talk about a plot twist!

His focus is working with Baby Boomers who are on the cusp of retirement, or already there, and their adult kids. He educates them through seminars on Retirement Income Planning, Social Security, Medicare, Asset Protection, and Identity Theft.

Over the years, Artie has channeled his passion into putting together some books on these subjects. If interested, you can see them on Amazon.

Learn More

Artie Bernaducci is the baby-boomer helping baby-boomers!

Some of Artie's Work

strategies to create lifetime income for baby boomers
baby boomer retirement roadmap
what every person and business owner ought to know about identity theft before it happens
baby boomers handbook - protect your identity